Display Features

When working with multiple levels of data, it is helpful to be able to customize your display to make individual rows and groups of data easier to visualize. The following features allow you to do that:

  • Align collapsible buttons to the left – by default, the APE uses iMIS collapsible panel controls on the right and represented by a down arrow. These controls can be repositioned to the left-hand side of the APE if required.
  • Background color – enter any rgba (red, green, blue, alpha) value to control the background color of the level. The RGBA color space is a color space that includes an extra channel (alpha channel) for representing the transparency information of an image. Default values are suggested with a 25% transparency which allows the IQA information to be easily seen.
  • Border color - enter any rgba (red, green, blue, alpha) value to control the border color of the level. The border color can be more intense than the background – even up to 100%.
  • Border width - defaults to 1px. Enter any integer value followed by the pixel notation "px" to set the width of the border in pixels. Advanced users can also use percentage, em, or other valid css notations for entering sizes.
  • Load Expanded – ensures that the level is always displayed open on page load (unless overridden by the Preserve State feature) to save on keystrokes when users will usually want to see details in the display.
  • Add Record Limit - to limit the number of records that can be created. This will hide the add record button once the limit is reached.
  • Add Record Text – to provide more specific direction to users you can provide mouseover text on the add icon such as “Add a new activity to your portfolio” or “Add a new Travel Request”. If you wish, you can convert the icon into a text button (e.g. “Add new case”)
  • Auto Dismiss – automatically close the popup window used for editing and adding forms once the page has been submitted. If this is not used then the popup can be closed by clicking on the “X” on the window itself.