AI Workshops


Share this video with your organization to orient them to the nature and benefits of conducting an AI Workshop  

Steps to Create an AI Workshop

  1. Get executive buy in. Share our video. Share a vision. Get ChatGPT to help you build a business case.
  2. Get a high-level policy in place for the workshop covering AI usage.
  3. In advance of the workshop, ask participants to define their job functions – what it is they do. These should be discrete, repeatable functions they do as part of their job
  4. Define a fictional organization and scenarios that are similar but not exactly matching your own
  5. Most tools have free versions or free trials. Give them time to create accounts after you’ve shown them
  6. Break them into teams. You could do this in different ways: By department, by job role or title, or mix tech savvy with people less so
  7. Give them an overview of the tools
  8. Give them a shared scenario – pretend you work and an organization that does X, and wants to roll out a Y. Use some of the tools we just reviewed to assist you
  9. After some time, compare results – each team gets a few minutes to show what they’ve learned
  10. Have them choose real tasks from Step 3 and use one or more tools to assist
  11. After some time, compare results – each team gets a few minutes to show what they’ve learned
  12. Have everyone evaluate the session afterwards and plan the next one!
Want help setting up your AI Workshop, or do you want Keith to present his NiUG keynote on AI to your organization?  Don't hesitate to contact us!